
Monday, August 20, 2012

"Beer + Pizza = Success" in Law School (8/20/12)

I posted on the page to the right a short piece from a friend to help students study law.  The page is titled:  Good Advice for Studying the Law - Highly Recommended.  I now another offering for a different, but complementary approach.  The Volokh Conspiracy, an excellent blog, serves up this delightful offering:  David Kopel, “Beer + Pizza = Success.” The key formula for law students (8/19/12), here.

Not much I can add to that, except that I will hoist a glass to the proposition / advice.  I can add that my related law school memories are to the Tavern in Charlottesville, Virginia, within reasonable proximity to the UVA Law School. I and some friends would go to the gym around 8:30 or 9 in the evening for some handball and, upon concluding that, would head out to the Tavern for some beer.  (Because of the proximity, one could walk or stumble back to the law dorms in the first year, if that became necessary or recognized the need to do so.)  It was all beer.  I don't even remember what, if anything, the Tavern offered to eat.  We had some good conversations.  I don't remember any about the law, but then I don't remember any conversations from the Tavern either.  Do remember some laughs and some stunts.

And, I can also add that at UH Law where I have been teaching since the about 1983 (had about a 5 year break in the late 1980s), we used to have a joint across the street named Grace's.  I used to teach from 7:30pm to 9:10pm (no breaks).  Then, many in the class would convene at Grace's for libations.  Beer was the fare.  I would have one; two max (that alone was a different experience from the Tavern in Charlottesville).  No food that I can remember.  Lots of laughs.  Remember no stunts.  Do remember some great students!


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