
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Tax Controversy is a Hot Growth Area of the Practice (9/4/13)

From the estimable Tax Prof Blog - Tax Controversy and Litigation: One of the 12 Hot Practice Areas for 2020 and Beyond (Tax Prof Blog 9/4/13), here, which links to this article - David Ogul, What LEGAL Fields will be Hot?, National Jurist, p. 28, 30 (Sept. 2013), here.  Key excerpt:
Tax Controversy and Litigation 
Despite the recent scandal regarding the IRS' handling of conservative groups seeking nonprofit status, [Richard] Hermann expects tax controversy and litigation to become one of the hottest practice areas during the next decade or so.  
"The government is going to get more diligent about pursuing tax dollars, not only at the federal level, but at the state and local levels, too," he said. "This is an area that is growing, and it is always a good idea for someone who has been audited or wants to appeal their taxes to hire a tax controversy lawyer."

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