
Monday, August 29, 2016

Tax Procedure Book Errata - Addition re Starting Date for Statute of Limitations to Return Filed Before Due Date (8/29/16)

I have made an addition to Example 1 on p.  115 of the Student Edition and 162 of the Practitioner edition.  I quote here the entire example, noting the text added in red and the footnote added in red.\
Example 1: The Year 01 return is mailed on February 1 of Year 02 and received by the IRS on February 6 of Year 02.  The return is timely filed, so the timely-mailing, timely-filing rule does not apply or need to apply.  The return is deemed filed on the due date of April 15 of Year 02.  (Note that this filing date applies to establish the filing date for purpose of the civil and criminal statutes of limitations even if April 15 falls on a weekend or holiday which is treated by § 7503 as being timley filed on the next succeeding.) fn.
   fn. See United States v. Johnson, 2016 U.S. App. LEXIS 15879 (6th Cir. 2016) and the relate case United States v. Johnson, 599 Fed. Appx. 242; 2015 U.S. App. LEXIS 5446 (6th Cir. 2015) dealing with the starting date for the criminal statute of limitations.  The same analysis applies for the civil statute of limitations, although if, as in Johnson, the return was fraudulent, the unlimited civil statute would apply.  The statutory analysis for both civil and criminal statutes is: (1) § 6501(b)(1) treats an early filed return as being filed on the “the last day prescribed by law;” (2) § 6072(a) provides that the last day prescribed by law for an individual return is April 15 of the next year; and (3) § 7503 provides that, where the day prescribed by law is a weekend or holiday, a return filed after the day prescribed by law but on the next business day after the weekend or holiday shall be “considered timely.”  The key point is that the day prescribed by law is still April 15; but a subsequent filing on the next succeeding business day is simply “considered timely.”  Hence, from a statutory interpretation context, conceded by the Government in the Johnson cases, the statute of limitations starts on the last day prescribed by law, which is April 15 for an early filed return.  Now, for a return filed after that normal due date which falls on a weekend or holiday, I suspect that the statute would start running on the date of filing. 
For more detail, see my Federal Tax Crimes Blog entry titled Government Avoids Hyde Amendment Fees and Expense Liability After It Blew the Criminal Statute of Limitations (Federal Tax Crimes Blog 8/29/16), here.

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