Federal Tax Procedure Blog Updates (9/7/24)

In the past, I have often added information to a prior blog entry rather than creating a new blog.  Starting 8/6/24, when I add significant information to a prior blog entry, I will post here in reverse chronological order the revision so that readers can determine whether they might benefit from reviewing the information.


Blog Post

Update Infor


9th Circuit 3-Judge Panel Has Three Different Interpretations Illustrating the Stupidity of Loper Bright's Rejection of Deference (9/3/24), here

Added  ¶ 6 to reference an article on special agency competence in interpreting statutes that the Supreme Court screwed up in Loper Bright.


6th Circuit Remands Case for Consideration of Certain Constitutional Claims Against § 6050I(d)(3) Addition to Include Digital Assets in CTR Reportable Cash (8/21/24; 8/22/24), here

Added cite and link to  Tim Shaw, Circuit Court Revives Crypto Reporting Legal Challenge (ThomsonReuters 8/19/24).


Does Corner Post Permit § 2401(a)’s 6-year Statute of Limitation to Apply from Date of Regulation for Procedural Challenges? (7/10/24; 8/17/24), here

Added a couple of sentences to the last paragraph that may further clarify but not change the meaning of the paragraph. The changes are identified in red font.


Exxon Strikes Out on It's Tax Refund Claims But Dodges the § 6676(a) Penalty Bullet (8/4/22; 8/8/24), here

Added Justice Gorsuch’s drafting process for context of the personal anecdote provided in par. 2






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